Once again I have found a piece of furniture that I would not let my daughter touch, just like the chocolate couch from last week. Did I mention it was chocolate? CHOCOLATE.
But this piece of home decor is different (also: not edible) -- this one would totally fulfill all of my Han Solo cravings, and then some.
(Yes, Han because even back then I always fell for the unattainable bad boy - although, for the record, I wouldn't have told Luke that I couldn't play with him if he had shown up with his action figures - take that any way you want but remember: I was seven. Age seven and I was already crashing head first down a long, tear-filled path of doomed relationships. It explains so much)
This bed would totally make me Princess Leia - who, let's not forget, managed to simultaneously kick ass, snark everyone, drive Han AND Luke crazy (author note: um, ew ew ew, siblings), while only showing up in a bikini once, and then only when forced at the slimey hands of Jabba the Hut - which, of course, is awesome, in spades. I can only hope my daughter has an equally kick-butt movie heroine to emulate someday, because I'm scared of the current day Hannah Montana / Bella offerings, and because it takes a truly kick-butt heroine to sprawl across a space-ship bed and not look like a space-slut. And who wants their daughter to grow up to be a space-slut?
That said, this bed is mine - all mine, no kids allowed, mom-only, MINE! Although if Han Solo gets teletransported from his fictional universe, I won't kick him off the starboard deck.
Either I'm the biggest nerd or you all want one. Which is it?