There is so much that is bizarre and disturbing about this video that I don't even know where to start. NO, wait, I do know where to start. Let's start with the creepy tweeny Bratz back-up dancing. Yes, kids rapping or hip-hopping or whatever - OH GOD I AM SO OLD - can be really, really funny, but you know what's not funny? Little girls pretending to be video harlots.
(See? Am so old that I don't even know what to call them. Is 'ho' the word the kids are using? OH MY GOD.)
Seriously. Is it just me? Would it be fine if they just lost the girls? AGH. Where are the K-Tel Mini Pop Kids when you need them?
via Videogum
Um. Yeah. I think my husband and I have agreed that if our daughter comes home dressed like that we're sending her to military school. Or something.
Posted by: Lustau | 01/26/2010 at 03:15 PM
And it's moments like that I'm so glad I have 3 boys, and no girls. AND, boys that like rock music (we've taught them well...)
Posted by: Kimmad | 01/26/2010 at 04:03 PM
Is it just me or do those girls look miserable. It's bad enough what they're wearing, but the look on their faces makes me feel like I've stumbled into child porn.
Posted by: Jessi | 01/26/2010 at 04:18 PM
HE IS EL NINO! And he is not allowed anywhere near my daughter. Nor is the wardrobe people from this video. Those girls are by definition Hoochie-Lite.
Posted by: katie | motherbumper | 01/26/2010 at 05:23 PM