Flashier Great Tits Produce Stronger Sperm, according to a headline at the National Geographic website this morning. But before you run out to buy a Bedazzler for your nursing bra, read the fine print:
The birds' vibrant plumage appears to act like a flashing billboard, broadcasting the males' reproductive superiority to females eager to produce offspring.
Oh. Great Tit birds. Huh.
Still kinda interesting. That 'link between flashiness and sperm strength' thing, though, that's disturbing. I thought that evolution would be culling the douchebag/Ed-Hardy-wearing population.
New hope for Jersey Shore fans, I guess.
National Geographic, via Jezebel.
Here's another one for you, since we're on the topic of sperm and feathers (well, kinda!)
"Sperm of a feather flock together"
Posted by: Elizabeth | 01/21/2010 at 10:08 AM