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I thought they all wore grippy-soled shoes from the expansive Nike Grip-It-And-Rip-It-Curler's-Deluxx-Collection for just that reason.

Annie @ PhD in Parenting

For what it's worth, throwing the stone (which might be similar to bowling) doesn't take that much physical exertion, but it does take skill. However, running along next to the rock on the ice and sweeping does involve physical exertion.

Is tennis a sport? Because my mom (who also curls) played in the mixed doubles semi-finals two days before I was born and played in the mixed doubles finals two days after I was born.

Jenny Ondioline

8-) Me and my whole family have become addicted to watching Olympic curling. We're in the US, and haven't seen the Canadian team play yet, but we'll watch whatever matches TPTB deem worthy of broadcasting. I'm amazed and totally impressed with Kristie Moore. Don't think I would have attempted anything like that when I was pregnant!

Her Bad Mother

Annie: your mom WINS.


I am really glad that someone finally explained Curling to me. Now um...why exactly is sweeping rocks a sport?


Well, she's probably a lot less likely to slip on the ice than I am, considering that she wears appropriate shoes and has a lot of training. I'm afraid to walk out on the driveway to get the newspaper.


Annie - Your mom makes me feel like a wuss. I could barely walk around the block after I had my baby (my poor, poor nethers...), let alone hit a ball with a racquet!

Atomic Mom

I was wondering what exactly was going on when I turned on the tele earlier. Now, I'm still wondering why the significant one insisted on watching the whole thing.

I did a version of this last week (8 mos. pregnant) when picking my man up from his work. I got out of the driver seat, on a bed of solid ice, and attempted to make it to the passenger side. Sliding, screaming, and stumbling the whole way.

Myself, and my fetus, we both survived.

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