Yesterday, we arrived backhome from Orlando after completing our Tiarathon roadtrip (courtesy of GM Canada thankyouverymuch). Today, the word 'exhausted' doesn't even cover half of what we are feeling.
What is it about taking a vacation with children that makes one declare 'I need a vacation to recover from my vacation'? Oh right, the children.
I need a vacation.
I tweeted while out on the road that the Chevy Traverse we were driving would be better with a coffee maker built into the dashboard because - dear god - there was just never enough decent coffee on this road trip to keep us fueled for the battle known as parenthood.
And it seems that someone took that idea to a whole other level.
Some brainiacs in the UK created a car that runs on coffee grounds: "the Carpuccino will do three miles per kilo of ground coffee – the equivalent of about 56 espressos per mile"
Well, these two moms right here at The Bad Moms Club? We obviously process our caffeine more conservatively because we run on about two espressos per kilometer.
Bad Moms are more fuel efficient. Word to your coffee maker.