This story has WTF written all over it, so I’m going to skip the preamble and dive right in: a 31-year old woman from Kentucky is facing assault charges after squirting a police officer in the face with breast milk.
Yup, you read that right. Breast milk.
Toni Tramel, who was originally arrested for public intoxication, was changing in to an inmate’s outfit while in the company of a female deputy when she allegedly squirted milk in the deputy’s face. The move landed her a third-degree assault charge and bond set at $10,000.
If she’d just kept the girls to herself, Toni probably would have spent the night in the drunk tank, maybe gotten a fine; a slap on the wrist.
Imagine going down in history as The Woman Who Squirted Breast Milk In A Deputy's Face?
Honestly, I thought I’d heard it all...and then I heard this story. Stuff like this makes my brain boggle.
My husband works in corrections and they take bodily fluids VERY seriously. Inmates are punished severely for throwing fluids at officers because there is the very real possibility that those fluids are tainted with HIV or Hep C. It does not surprise me that an officer of the law would jump to the same conclusion about breast milk, as ridiculous as that sounds.
Posted by: Kelly | 03/08/2010 at 04:02 PM
I've heard of squirting breast milk as a party trick, but this definitely brings new meaning to slapping authority in the face! Yikes.
Posted by: Kwintessential_ | 03/08/2010 at 04:08 PM
Let's take a moment to revel in the part of this that hasn't been pointed out. Public intoxication. Breast feeding. Two great tastes that go great... wait. Maybe not.
Posted by: Jessi | 03/08/2010 at 05:10 PM
Isn't the worst part of this story the fact that a woman who is breast-feeding is out drunk??
Posted by: Quixotic | 03/08/2010 at 10:18 PM
Kelly - I have a good friend who used to work in that field and I know bodily fluids are taken seriously in that kind of environment. It doesn't sound ridiculous at all to me.
Posted by: mamatulip | 03/09/2010 at 09:33 AM