Barbie. She’s a household name. I had a whole mess of Barbies; I dressed them up, brushed their hair and created lives for them when I was a kid, and I’ll bet that many of you did, too. I always dressed mine in a fancy silver ball gown with red velour hearts on the sleeves, and she usually drove around in her honkin’ yellow Barbie Camper, the one that my mother got me for Christmas one year.
Every time I played Barbies, I envisioned mine a horse trainer. Funnily enough, of the 125 job titles Barbie has had in the 50 years she’s been kickin’ around, a horse trainer has never been one of them. She’s been a pet stylist, a dentist and a Mountie, a McDonald’s cashier (I bet she lasted ten minutes working drive-thru during a dinner rush. Just sayin’.) and even a NASCAR driver. And that's just the tip of the iceberg; Barbie's resume is pretty stacked.
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