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Her Bad Mother

Another way to reduce packaging - use the recycled packing boxes, when offered, at gorcery stores instead of plastic bags, when doing a big shop. Doing this has reduced the amount of plastic coming into our house incalculably.

metro mama

Here's mine:



Huh. This will be a toughie for a few reasons - neither Pumpkinpie nor I are going back to school, and Misterpie doesn't really need school supplies, I buy about one flat of bottled water a year, and reuse the bottles to fill them with tap water (at work, I have a metal bottle), I don't drink pop or much besides milk and coffee and water, really... But here are a few things I'll be doing - less forgetting the coffee mug, using half-sheets to send notes to teachers instead of whole pages, and using leftover paint to decorate Pumpkinpie's room instead of throwing the old paint leftovers out and buying new.

And? Misterpie and I use all kinds of garbage and recycle-y stuff for crafts with little kids!

Mrs. Mustard

Here is my post:



Here's mine:
Haiku for back-to-school


Apparently I messed up the html:


September is also about canning! I wrote a post about buying mason jars without the packaging: http://www.assertagirl.com/?p=651

Mary Hunt

Great kickoff with many doable ideas. I like it! May I add one more that will have a huge affect on how corporations "package" their products and marketing? Go to www.BigGreenPurse.com and become part of the Million women to swap out brown buying habits for green buying habits. Diane (the owner) will be adding lots of info on what makes a product truly sustainable or not in the coming months. I swapped out my breakfast (cereal/milk/coffee) and I'm already up to $650 for the year.

While others are focusing on the carbon footprint, Diane is focusing on the carbon dollar footprint knowing that it will change products faster. Companies follow the money, and with any luck, listen to what 1,000,000 women think.

Mary Hunt


Here's mine:



Great idea, and I will post about it soon: but one little thing -- pop cans are very very very recyclable, and in fact bring in a lot of money to municipal recycling programs through the sale of the aluminum. As long as you dump them in the blue bin, you can feel okay about using pop cans.


Hmmm, I tried to ping this with a trackback, but it didn't work. Anyway, I blogged on the subject today: http://danigirl.ca/blog/2007/09/13/facing-the-ugly-eco-truth/


We just ran some really great shopping bags:


They're $15 USD and they hold a shit-ton of stuff. And they fold flat so they are easy to keep in your car/bag.

I make sure to pack sippy cups for my kids and myself whenever we go out. It is hard to pack snacks without the bags, so I'd love to know what people do about that.

We're not buying water bottles or juice boxes anymore. And for Q's birthday, I just bought juice, mixed it with water, and bought little sippy cups for the kids to take home (we put labels on them). That's what they used to drink from at the party.


Am I late?


andrea from the fishbowl

I'm in!


Cindy D.

I stumbled over here from DaniGirl's blog and was inspired!



Do all your banking online and stop all the endless number of paper bills that come.


I, too, have to thank DaniGirl for the Postcard that led me here. My post is at: http://blog.reidelizabeth.ca/2007/09/14/back-to-school-with-less-packaging/

Stratumseind Miller Time Cafe

" We have focused on basics in Singapore. We used the family to push economic growth, factoring the ambitions of a person and his family into our planning. We have tried, for example, to improve the lot of children through education. The government can create a setting in which people can live happily and succeed and express themselves, but finally it is what people do with their lives that determines economic success or failure. Again, we were fortunate we had this cultural backdrop, the belief in thrift,...

Vortex Energizer

Waters clear liquid form and general abundance/availability has made it easy for us to take it for granted. If it turned black when not alive we wouldn’t touch it. It doesn’t, so we continue to drink it without question. It is encouraging to see this attitude changing when it comes to the benefits of drinking water. Lets hope that over time this will foster greater action on a global water to honor water and therefore ourselves.

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